The first project I did was the IKEA catalog from 1998 to 1999. In 1998 the Fight Club action was happening in the David Fincher movie. I decided to create this catalogue to refer to the scene in the movie, where the Narrator says that he has become the same mindless consumer as everyone else and that all he cares about is a nice apartment. There are no other goals in life. The texts I wrote in the catalogue are intended for customer manipulation, which is also encountered today. Among other things, I mention the IKEA Family club, which you can join, but never unsubscribe from. In this way, I would like to emphasize how our society works, that all it wants is to have as many things as possible.
2. Leaflet
In this project I refer to the disease that the Narrator suffers from - insomnia. As a representative of the company he works for, he travels a lot and suffers from jet lag.
Traveling between different airports, he meets Tyler Durden on one of his flights. That is why this scene is important because it is the first time that the two characters speak to each other. In this way I wanted to present the problem of insomnia, endless travel and errands. On the first page I put information about insomnia and its consequences, on the second page  there is a map of all the airports where Narrator wakes up.
I put the title "Where YOU Wake Up" so that the viewer identifies with the Narrator and also feels the same tiredness as well as remembers situations in his life that were intense for him.
3. Business card
In this project I introduced both characters using colors for the first time. The Narrator’s name was never mentioned in the book/movie. Therefore, to introduce it, I have given the equation that is used to check if a given car model should be withdrawn from production. Narrator's business card is printed on a dark background with black ink, which makes it feel even more depressing.
I printed Tyler’s business card on light pink paper, using white paint for the text and a little darker paint for the soap illustration to convey that Tyler and the Narrator are one.
I also included his name logo on Tyler's business card, while for the Narrator I printed his terrified face to further emphasize the differences between the two characters.
The business cards were printed in the technique of screen printing.
In this project, I wanted to refer to the rules of a Fight Club where you can’t tell anyone that this club exists. To do this, the text that describes what the club is like is written in light gray so it is very difficult to read it. Another thing I did was hide all the text under the stripes, which made it also harder to read. I used white letters to emphasize the most important information. I wanted to create flyer that will be interesting for people that have no idea about the book/movie. I decided to use the slogans in the middle of the flyer to encourage and intrigue the passerby. I used a pink background to show that Fight Club is mostly owned and run by Tyler, but the blue stripes show that Tyler is facing a Narrator.
For this project, I wanted to create Fight Club tickets that were not originally in the movie. I took inspiration from retro boxing tickets. I have presented these tickets in two colors to show that both the narrator and Tyler are behind the creation of Fight Club. In the entrances, I initially gave some rules that apply in fight club.
6. soap packaging
As part of the project, I also designed soap labels that are more associated with a book/movie. Through these projects, I wanted to show the character of Tyler, who hangs out with richer people who like sells soap made from the fat of those rich people. I wanted the soap label design to be more elegant and  really work for wealthy people.
7. a3 poster
I also created an A3 poster for the project, using the screen printing technique. 
In it I referred directly to the rules of the Fight Club.
To relate to the first rule and the second rule, which is "You do not talk about Fight Club", I decided to reduce other rules so that only the person who knows them knows what is going on. I also removed the word "Fight Club" so you don't know what you can't talk about if you don't know the context.
I used black and magenta paint to give the poster a similar contrast to Tyler and Narrator.
I printed the poster on tracing paper to make it look transparent.
8. small publication
In order for my work not to be  just a collection of associations with the film and the book, I also decided to design
a small booklet for people who are not familiar with the book/movie.
Inside I put information about plot of the book, what are the differences between the original and the film adaptation, a description of the main characters, a small biography of the author of the book and the rules mentioned in the Fight Club.
I tried to make the book design look like other projects.
9. packaging
The box design is similar to the A5 brochure. The text has been hidden behind stripes in a contrasting colour. My goal was to make everyone think that the box was made especially for them. And also that there is some sort of secret hidden in the box that only this person can know. Like Fight Club, it was originally meant to be only for a few people, the elite.
The box was made using the serigraphy technique.

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